Friday, January 23, 2009

Serial Monogamist

Apparently a blogger with the name "Serial Monogamist" is really bent out of shape about the fact that I, unknowing of her position as the official trademark holder on the term, have been using Single Monogamist as my handle. I didn't steal it either, its the whole point of my blog. I didn't find out about her until I checked out the "Dating Is Weird" blog of which she is a contributor. Though my blog did used to be called  "The Single Serial Monogamist" I quickly realized there are more of us out there, and I don't want to come off as pompous. 

I have changed my handle to Chronically Attached. Hopefully the pea has been dislodged from beneath her mattress and she can get a good nights rest. 

I'm here for self help, rambling and venting. I am completely new to blogging, I'm unaware of the  etiquette and I'm sure I'll do something else reprehensible, and someone new will hunt me down when I do.

Anyways, Dating is Weird is a pretty entertaining read, I hope they don't get even more pissed at me when I change my blog title to "Blogging is Weird."


Serial Monogamist said...

We're totally internet friends now, you know. It starts with name-calling, then cross-commenting.

It's a lot like pulling pigtails on a schoolyard.

S.G.Loughlin said...

I'm all about blog wars and then kissing and making up and then fighting again and then making out again and really I just wish you would have linked to us. Jus'sayin..

Chronically Attached said...

I cried a lot, all night long until the snow became rain and the sun kissed me on the cheek. Then I looked myself in the mirror, wiped away the nasal discharge and decided today was the day my Mom had been preparing me for. The day when I walk into the lunch room and boldly stride to the cool kids table and say, "Hi my name is Chronically Attached can we be friends?"
And to SGL I just realized how to tag my entries yesterday, linking is some form of wizardry that will require months of intensive training.