Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slumping It

I feel like my attitude lately is a lot like the recession. We all knew it was coming, and that we were actually in a recession WAY before anyone was willing to be the expert to stand up and say:

"Yes, it is categorically true, we are definitely in a recession, a huge one in fact, buckle up."

So here it goes, I am officially in the biggest dating recession of my life. My overall feeling is drawing unemployment from my self esteem like a deranged construction worker with 6 mouths to feed. Its been coming down the pipe since mid August. Which is when I was scrambling around making really poor quality control choices. Call me Freddie, because my mac was a mess over the summer. So to top off having such a lousy attitude that if I did actually bump into an awesome girl I'd certainly ruin it; I can take heart in that my last 2 bed partners are memories I'd prefer to burn from my mind.

What to do? Dating help sites say I need new clothes, or some serious me time, or I should pretend that I feel amazing, and then I will. I'm sorry but that shit is for pod people. I'm just going to ride out this tempest and see who breaks first. Hopefully by spring I'll be so sick of myself that I'll have no choice but to pull some David Copperfield type illusions out of my moth riddled bag-o-tricks.

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