Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old Tricks

My run in with Nurse Girl was short lived. We hung out a couple times made out had fun but it seems to have run its course. I may have gotten a little too stoked about it.

It happens a lot more often than not with me that girls are interested and want to continue to date and get relationship minded. I've talked about that plenty of times. I tend to take it for granted, and get all surprised when it doesn't go that way.

I had suspicions that maybe this would be a quick one. This girl, of any of the women I've dated in the last two years really got my attention. She's extremely beautiful, really cool, and hilarious. I saw a nice bit of potential with her. I found myself texting more than I should, thinking about her WAY more than I should, and really looking forward to seeing what unfolds. All speed no gas, sputter sputter choke.

I made all my moves recklessly with it in mind that it always works out for me. HA! I'm not very good at not acting how I feel about a girl. I suppose with past women I was interested enough to get to know them, and realize its not for me. Thus being a challenge to them and increasing my appeal. In this case I was pretty clear that I was into her, subtly of course. I lost the advantage and she lost interest. Or maybe I've been reading too many dating sites, possibly the Dennis system(I just watched it.)

The night of shame is worth mentioning. I met NG at a bar/small venue to see her friend's band. Her crew was rolling deep, I came solo. I didn't really see the point in bringing back up.
She was cool but easily distracted. I thought "okay all her friends are here, and she doesn't want to babysit the new guy." I can hold my own with strangers, I wasn't terribly worried. Her B.F.F. is another story. That girl obnoxiously would not leave her side, dragged her all over the bar, interrupted any and all conversations I had with NG, and gave me one word responses to any attempts to talk to her. Totally horrible, I wanted to throw my beer in her face. It was probably planned, but the friend way overdid it. I finally caught NG alone and blah blah blah, bad timing speech. Sweet. To top it off, my ex was hanging out in my usual bar when I bolted, and she doesn't even drink.

Next is The Kitchen Witch.

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