Thursday, May 28, 2009

Solo missions

Errand running is an occasion when I really notice my singularity, like when someone you see every day gets a haircut. Two errands in particular really jump down my throat. Those being the laundry-mat and going to the market (yes market, grocery stores are for couples and families with cars).

At the market I always see some random middle aged dude with a lonely basket filled with heart healthy food stuffs. Likely all the stuff that he fought his now ex wife about when they were married.  I don't see many solo women, maybe they go in groups, like the bathroom at a bar.

I am a really great cook. When I'm with someone I really enjoy making excellent dinners. Needless to say Im not huge on it of late. I do still try to make myself something occasionally that isn't out of a box or a can. My basket is a lonely one. 

One small steak, not two
A bag of coffee beans that will last one person a week.
A pint of milk 
A loaf of bread (half will be frozen, they don't sell half loaves)
4 cans of cat food
A box of mac and cheese
A bagel for morning
A block of cheese for kicks

I don't feel down about the realization. I just look at what I'm buying and notice the lack of a second person in the quantity. I know I'll go home, make a nice meal and feel alright about it.

The laundromat with its quiet humming smelling of synthetic freshness. I go bi-weekly, that's when my underwear supply runs out. The lady there recognizes me. She's pushing fifty, round, grey, nice. Exactly the qualities I look for in a laundromat lady. We exchange pleasantries I go about my business.

I can't help but feel like I'm in an 80's movie when I'm there. The dated machines, florescent lights, the yellow and brown color scheme. I can imagine at any moment a sassy new wave girl to walk in smoking carrying a neon Benneton bag stuffed with laundry while dancing along to her walkman. With the rise in popularity of American Apparel gear I may yet see it minus the walkman and indoor smoking. It hasn't happened yet.

I live across the street so I do the pop in and out tactic when doing the wash. I enjoy folding my clothes, I didn't used to. My ex always handled that, it was nice. I still think its pleasant to have a neatly organized stack of clean, as opposed to my old pile method of clean, semi, and dirty. 

It's all mine though, no random shirt or panties mixed in with my stuff. I only see women in the laundromat, however they are older. I don't reside in a neighborhood with an attractive young populous. I go in the mid afternoon usually, maybe all the pretty people are working while I mix it up with house wives. This is where I really know that I'm on my own. I can feel it. Its not a bad feeling, but its as apparent as the smell of clean.

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