Thursday, April 2, 2009

God Damn Strippers

Tonight was my second night out with ridiculous strippers. They are like a bottomless cup of fun and hilarity, like cartoons. Love these girls in all honestly. My friend "Bob" was chosen as my wing man in these 2 endeavors, and he owes me. 

The first night out we danced, did after hours and a diner. We were kept men, all drinks cabs and food were insistently covered. The girls robbed the diner blind of everything on the table most of which exploded on the sidewalk as it fell from their tiny clothing.  They did leave a massive tip to cover the assholery.

Tonight was more of the same minus diner robbery because there aren't too many all night diners in Philly. That and we couldn't have them paying for everything again.

So much fun that I really needed. I am too drunk and not able to do justice to how fantastic these girls are.  I think the key was to go out and have a good time and not try to have sex with them just because of what they do for a living. However a little good clean making out never hurt anyone. 

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